Saturday, December 19, 2009

What We're Up To?

What a weekend. It is still snowing outside on top of the 19-ish inches we have now. Luke loves it. He calls it "tow." However, it's not all fun and games. You can read about our afternoon adventure yesterday "before it got bad out" over here. It was some scary stuff and I am quite thankful that we are safe, along with the rest of my extended family (including a brother who rode home from town, a 25 minute car ride, on an ATV).

He was quite enthralled with all the white stuff. And quite upset that we wouldn't let him stand there with the door open all night. Silly kid.

Concentrating on his drawing. He is just so much fun.

This is one of my favourites. Luke has started getting on his tummy to draw just this week and I think it is too cute. Here, he and Daddy are illustrating our adventures in the car yesterday.

Still to come... sometime, hopefully, maybe, possibly, some pics of our outdoor fun in all this white mess.


GrammaMack said...

"Still to come... sometime, hopefully, maybe, possibly, some pics of our outdoor fun in all this white mess." Don't tease Mack, now!

mKhulu said...

It isn't nice to tease Mother Mack.